So you’ve made it through to the top 25 for your job! But what happens next? As with all job applications, we need to check your references. over the next two weeks we encourage you to show off your creativity, passion and commitment to this role by generating advocacy and media interest about why you are the right person for this job. We are looking for people who are great storytellers, adventurous, inspiring and eager to immerse themselves in Australia’s tourism experiences. For this phase we are challenging you to find the ultimate referee/s to support your application and tell the world why you are the best possible candidate for one of the best Jobs in the World. the referee/s could be a celebrity, a media personality, an online community, the general public, past employers, your family, or your friends. you will be required to submit a piece of content as a reference – this could be a video, a photograph, a media clipping, a social media clip, an interview, a letter, or anything that showcases support for your application 5.


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Acerca de ANDI

En agosto del 2010, habiendo estudiado Cs. de la Comunicación y trabajado dos años y medio como creativo publicitario en agencias internacionales, decidí renunciar a mi carrera de publicista para empezar a dedicarme a cumplir el sueño de viajar por el mundo. Hoy improviso destinos de la mano de VIAJOSCOPIO, mi segundo blog de viajes y aventuras, en donde comparto con todo el mundo fotos, videos, aventuras, personajes, curiosidades, itinerarios, datos útiles para viajeros y todo lo que sume para motivar, inspirar, soñar y concretar.

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